Thursday, October 14, 2010

Practice of Freedom and Justice: Representative Thinkers

In this lecture, Dr. Pollard spoke a lot about religion and he began to put a lot of things into perspective for me. He described religion as a phenomenon of humans with the sacred or divine. He took the idea of religion back to when the Africans first arrived on the North American continent. The Africans entered the new world with their own culture, which helped developed the African American belief system. The modern African American belief system is based on equality and freedom. Then Dr. Pollard said that the definition of freedom has changed throughout the years based on the place where society is at the time. Modern thoughts about freedom consist of social, political, and economical justice. Then he went into description about African Americans who were pioneers. People like Howard Thurman, Jerena Lee, and Sojourner Truth. This lecture made me think about exactly how ideas of freedom have changed throughout the years. I thought about how back in the 60’s freedom was more about equal rights for all races and how now freedom is more about people being able to live the way they want without having to fear prosecution.

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